Sunday Night Hymn Sing


Sunday - 9:45AM family bible hour, 11AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 6PM Prayer time

by: Thomas Struble



The plan was to hold an old-fashioned hymn sing outdoors on the Ramon's deck overlooking the woods, but with the threat of severe weather we had to move it indoors to their sun porch. And yet a good group came out anyway (while other areas in the state had torrential rain and even hail, we only received a gentle shower), and we had a wonderful time singing favorites out of the hymn book and chorus sheet for about an hour. Afterwards we enjoyed various snack-type foods as well as root beer floats. Our thanks and appreciation to Ruben and Joyce for hosting this event for us!

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The plan was to hold an old-fashioned hymn sing outdoors on the Ramon's deck overlooking the woods, but with the threat of severe weather we had to move it indoors to their sun porch. And yet a good group came out anyway (while other areas in the state had torrential rain and even hail, we only received a gentle shower), and we had a wonderful time singing favorites out of the hymn book and chorus sheet for about an hour. Afterwards we enjoyed various snack-type foods as well as root beer floats. Our thanks and appreciation to Ruben and Joyce for hosting this event for us!

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