Anchor #1: Jesus Loves Me


Sunday - 9:45AM family bible hour, 11AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 6PM Prayer time

Feb. 23, 2025

Like the storms the disciples encountered on the Sea of Galilee in the gospel accounts, a storm of life that affects our finances, our health, our job, our family, even our faith, can pop up any moment and rock our boat so badly that we fear it will sink. When the storms of life hit us, we need anchors of truth to hold us steady as the lightning flashes around us, the rain beats down on us, and the waves crash over us. Without them, we risk a shipwreck of faith. In this sermon we discuss one of the first truths we ever learn, if not as a child, as a new believer, but it’s also one that is very easy to lose our grip on in the storms of life.