Our Spiritual Freedoms: Freedom from Domination


Sunday - 9:45AM family bible hour, 11AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 6PM Prayer time

Jun. 27, 2021

Paul writes in Romans 7 about how he had tried to live a good life by keeping God’s law but found himself failing time after time after time. The things he wanted to do, he didn’t. Those that he didn’t want to do, he ended up doing. By himself he couldn’t meet his own standards let alone those of God in heaven. So he cried out from his heart, “Who will deliver me from this body of death?” In other words, must the believer spend his whole life on earth frustrated by ongoing defeats to indwelling sin? Is there no power provided to achieve victory? Paul answers those questions in chapter 8 when he reveals the second spiritual freedoms we enjoy because of our faith in Jesus Christ: Freedom from Domination.