Wisdom for Today: How to be a Wise Guy (or Woman)


Sunday - 9:45AM family bible hour, 11AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 6PM Prayer time

Sep. 19, 2021

All countries have proverbs; “Look before you leap,” “A stitch in time saves nine,” “A penny saved is a penny earned,” “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise,” “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush,” and “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch,” are examples of English proverbs. These are sage human sayings, but the Proverbs of the Bible are far more than that; they embody the philosophy of heaven for the benefit of people living on earth. This sermon examines how to be wise in God's eyes in order to live skillfully, with fulfillment, purpose, direction, and satisfaction.